Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Advantages of Angular

Angular (2+) provides many advantages over the previous version of AngularJS (1.x). Angular is a more structured platform for developing Single Page Applications. Following are some of the key advantages of Angular over the previous version.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Advantages of Angular (2+) over AngularJS (1.x)

AngularJS (1.x) is based on MVC architecture, Angular (2+) is based on component based architecture.

AngularJS applications are driven by HTML or other web development frameworks like like Asp.Net MVC etc. and AngularJS directives were used to enhance the applications, Angular 2.0 brings a major shift to this, Angular is a platform by itself for developing Single Page Applications. Because of the architectural differences Angular applications provide better performance when compared to AngularJS applications.

What is Angular?

Angular is a web development platform from Google to develop component based Single Page Applications. Prior to Angular 2, we call it AngularJS and from version 2.0 onwards we call it Angular.

Angular 1.x was more of a scripting framework where the primary driver of the applicant was HTML pages or other Frameworks like Asp.Net MVC etc. and AngularJS directives were used to enhance the applications, Angular 2.0 brings  a major shift to this, Angular is a platform by itself for developing Single Page Applications.

Angular applications follow a component approach, where the application is built with a set of Components in a hierarchy. Angular2 applications are built using TypeScript and ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) features like import, export, backtick, for…of loops, and fat arrow. Angular uses TypeScript features like class decorators and type declarations.

In the following posts we shall see in detail about developing applications using Angular 2+ with examples.