AngularJS provides various keyboard events to track events raised by user interaction with the
keyboard like Keypress, Keypress,
KeyPress etc, in this post we shall see on how to handle the keypress event
using AngularJS
AngularJS provides ng-keypress directive to handle keypress events raised by the user, keypress event can be handled by associating the ng-keypress directive to an event handler function which passes the key event as a parameter.
The following example shows on how to use the ng-keypress directive to handle keypress events raised by the user.
AngularJS provides ng-keypress directive to handle keypress events raised by the user, keypress event can be handled by associating the ng-keypress directive to an event handler function which passes the key event as a parameter.
The following example shows on how to use the ng-keypress directive to handle keypress events raised by the user.