Sunday, January 6, 2019

.NET Core command-line interface (CLI) tools

The .Net Core CLI (Command Line Interface) tools are a set of command line tools, which come along with the .Net core installation. The CLI tools can be used preform operations like create, build, publish and other operations on .Net core applications.

By default, the CLI installs in a side-by-side (SxS) manner, so multiple versions of the CLI tools can coexist on a single machine. The CLI command structure consists of the driver dotnet, the command, and possibly command arguments and options.

In the CLI command the keyword dotnet is the driver, it can either execute an application or take a command and execute the command.

To execute an application just specify dotnet followed by the path of the application to be executed.
dotnet /myApp.dll

To execute a command specify dotnet followed by the command to be executed and optional arguments to the command. Commands are like build, publish etc which perform a specific task
dotnet build
dotnet publish

The following are some of the most commonly used commands

new – Creates a new .Net Core project
build – Builds a Project
restore – Restores dependent packages referenced in a project
publish – Creates a package for deploying the Application
run – builds and executes the application
clean – cleans the previous build’s output

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