Monday, February 4, 2019

Advantages of Asp.Net Core

Asp.Net core is a light weight, cross-platform compatible web development framework from Microsoft. Asp.Net core can be considered as the next generation web development framework from Microsoft, Asp.Net for long has been windows centric, for the first time Asp.Net core has made web application development possible in multiple platforms. The other key improvement in Asp.Net core is that it can produce light weight applications with higher performance compared to the previous version of Asp.Net. Let us look into some of the advantages of Asp.Net core in detail.

Cross Platform
One of the main advantages of Asp.Net Core compared to the previous version of Asp.Net is that, Asp.Net core applications can be developed in Windows, Linux or Mac OS while Asp.Net applications can only be developed in Windows environment. Each OS has a separate version of .Net Core SDK, depending on the environment we can install the corresponding version of SDK and develop core applications.

Open Source
Asp.Net core is an open-source web development platform, this makes the platform more flexible for development. Also open-source model allows for more community contribution to the platform.

Asp.Net core applications are modular and highly flexible, Asp.Net core allows us to configure middleware’s to process the Http requests. We can chain the request processing pipeline as per our needs. A typical http request processing pipeline will be like this.

Http Request -> Authentication Middleware -> Logging Middleware -> Process Request -> Response

This is a very basic flow, as required we can configure any number of middleware’s to build a complex processing chain.

Dependency Injection
Dependency injection is a design pattern which allows us to inject dependent objects to classes instead of creating the objects directly. This pattern improves maintainability and testability of the Application. Asp.Net Core provides build-in dependency Injection support, in the previous versions of Asp.Net we had to use supporting libraries like Unity, Structure Map etc to implement Dependency Injection.

Asp.Net Core not only allows us to develop applications in various platforms, it also provides us a number of options to deploy the developed applications. Core applications can be deployed in IIS, Apache, Docker, or self-host in your own process.

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