Saturday, May 18, 2019

Layout in Asp.Net Core MVC Views

Every page on a website will have some common elements like Header, Logo, Menu, Navigation links etc. A layout helps to create a common view for these re-usable part of the page and use it in each page of the application.

A layout is also a view with .cshtml extension. The layout view defines the header, content area and the footer sections. In general re-usable content is placed in the header and footer sections, the content section varying content of the pages. The content section contains a statement @RenderBody(), which embeds the varying content of each page in the content section.

A typical layout view page looks like this.

                @*Header Content*@

            <div class="container">
                <main role="main" class="pb-3">

            <footer class="border-top footer text-muted">
                @*Footer Content*@

The default layout page for Asp.Net Core is the _Layout.cshtml view. When we create an Asp.Net Core project Visual Studio automatically creates the default layout page _Layout.cshtml, we can create additional layout pages as and when required.

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