Sunday, May 24, 2020

What are React Boilerplates

In the post Setting up React Environment, we saw the process to setup the environment to do a simple Hello World application in React, we know that it takes quite a bit of time and effort to get started with a simple Hello World application.

We need to install react, bable and web-pack packages. Create configuration files for web-pack and bable. Create a root Html page (index.html), create at least one React component and a root class to load the component in the HTML DOM using ReactDOM.render. That’s quite a bit of work to do the simplest Hello World sample.

Boilerplates are pre-defined set of templates / packages which helps us to get started quickly with any Language. React boilerplates help us simplify the process of creating the first React Application. These boilerplates have predefined web-pack & bable configuration files and a simple React started component we can use this and develop the component or create additional components.

create-react-app is the most common React boilerplate. To create a new React Application using create-react-app use the following command.

npx create-react-app my-app

cli-react is another React boilerplate which is used to create boilerplate react applications. cli-react can be installed globally using the following command.

npm install -g cli-react

create-react-app is a more basic boilerplate, cli-react is bit more advanced apart from creating the boilerplate it also allows us to create new components using commands.

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