Monday, April 9, 2018

React version history

React is a JavaScript framework for creating UI applications, React was first created in 2011 by Facebook engineers. In 2013 React was made open source.

React v15 was released in April 2016.

React v16 was released in September 2017. React 16 introduces fragments, better error handling, portals and custom DOM attributes. React 16 also improved the server side rendering of react Components.

React v16.2 was released in November 2017. React 16.2 provides a special Fragment component which can be used to return an array of elements in a components return method.

React v16.3 was released in March 2018. React 16.3 added createRef API & forwardRef API to manage refs in components. React 16.3 also brings changes to the component lifecycle methods.
In the following posts we shall see in detail about the new features introduces in each version of React.

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