Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Custom Structural Directive

Structural directive in Angular alter the DOM by adding/removing elements to the DOM based on specific conditions.  Attribute directives on the other hand can be used to app specific properties / styles to the element which is using the directive. We saw the example of the highliter Attribute directive which added a background color for highlighting the element which uses the directive.

ngIf is a built-in structural directive, based on the condition/expression we pass to this directive we can show/hide a block of elements in the DOM. Structural directives are represented with a * symbol before the directing like *ngIf.

The ngIf directive deals with a single condition, the other buit-in directive *ngFor directive is used to deal with a range/array of values. This directive can be used to render a list of elements in an array in a pre-defined template. This directive is similar to the ng-repeat directive in AngularJS, they are typically used to display a list of elements in a pre-defined style/template in the view.

We can create our own custom structural directives in Angular, the structural directive should be able to add/remove elements to the DOM based on conditions to do this we need to inject a view container reference and a template reference to the directive.

The view container reference represents the container where we can add/remove elements inside the actual DOM. It is a reference to the container in the DOM where we add/remove elements. Template reference is the reference to the element on which the directive is applied.

The * mark in the structural directive is a syntactic sugar, internally angular converts this into a template syntax as follows.

<div *ngIf="condition">Hello Structural Directive</div>
Gets converted to
<ng-template [ngIf]="condition">
                <div>Hello Structural Directive</div>

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