Thursday, November 8, 2018

What are Observables

Observables provide a new way of passing data asynchronously between a publisher and a subscriber. Observables can be used to pass multiple values from a publisher to its subscribers over time.

A publisher creates an instance of Observable and defines a subscribe() function. When a subscriber subscribes to the publisher this function will get executed. The function will not get executed till a subscriber subscribers.

Observables are like an array of items which are delivered to the subscribers over a period of time. Angular uses observables internally in its event system and in the Http service. Observables are not built into Angular, instead Angular uses a library RxJs to implement observables.

Promises can also be used to make asynchronous Http calls. The advantage of observables over promises is that promise can deliver only one value, while observables can deliver a list of values over time. Also promises cannot be cancelled once initiated, while observables can be cancelled at any time.

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