Sunday, November 11, 2018

What’s new in Angular 7

Angular 7 was released in October’ 2018.  Angular 7 provides new cli prompts which creating new angular objects like Components, Services etc.

For example when we use ng new command will prompt if the user wants to add routing, and provide options for different types of routing. The command ng add @angular/material will prompt the user if they want to include ng add @angular/material

Angular 7 introduces the bundle budget feature which will warn the user if the application bundle size is big. This feature will throw a warning when the bundle size is more than 2MB, and will throw an error when the bundle size if more than 5MB. This helps in optimizing the application by maintaining the size of the bundle. For exceptional case we can alter this limit in the angular.json file.

Angular Material got a couple of new features Virtual Scrolling and Drag and drop

Virtual Scrolling
: While loading a large list, we can use cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport tag, this will make sure that only the visible part of the list is loaded into the DOM, based on the users scrolling action items will be automatically loaded and unloaded from the DOM, this way the full list need not be loaded in the DOM initially thereby optimizing page performance for pages with large lists.

Drag and Drop
: This feature makes it easy to drag and drop items in a list, between lists. It also provides animations and custom drag handlers to handle the drag and drop actions.

Angular 7 has also improves its support to TypeScript and Node. Angular 7 now supports Typescript 3.1, RxJS 6.3 and Node 10

Angular 7 also improves performance of application by automatically adding or removing the reflect metadata polyfill, which helps to reduce the size of the application in production environment.

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