Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What is .Net Core?

.Net Core is an open-source development platform developed and maintained by Microsoft. The main idea behind creation of .Net Core is cross platform compatibility. The older versions of .Net framework can execute only in Windows environment, .Net core can execute in Windows, Linux & Mac Operating systems.

Using .Net core we can create console applications, class libraries and Web (MVC & Web API) applications. .Net core is a lighter version compared to the previous version of .Net hence is supports limited project types at this point. The lighter version makes it easier to ship it with applications developed in .Net core, it also supports deployment using Dockers.

.Net core framework can be downloaded from the Microsoft site

Based on the need .Net core offers 2 options to download.

.Net Core SDK

Developers who wish to use .Net Core and build applications should download the Core SDK versions which helps to build and compile applications using .Net Core

.Net Core Runtime
End users who wish to run applications built in .Net core can download the .Net Core runtime version.

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