Saturday, December 22, 2018

What's new in .Net Core 2.1

.Net Core 2.1 mainly focus on enhancing performance both build and execution performance, in addition it also added more support to the tools library by adding more commands and global tool commands. Along with .Net Core 2.1, Entity Framework Core 2.1 was also released which added a lot of interesting featured to EF Core. Let us now look into the new features of .Net Core 2.1 in detail.

Build Enhancements

.Net Core 2.1 improved build performance drastically, this includes command line builds and Visual studio builds. Some individual areas of improvement include:
Ø  For package asset resolution, resolving only assets used by a build rather than all assets.
Ø  Caching of assembly references.
Ø  Use of long-running SDK build servers, which are processes that span across individual dotnet build invocations.

Tools enhancements
A number of tool commands have now been added to the SDK, these include:

dotnet watch provides a file system watcher that waits for a file to change before executing a designated set of commands.

dotnet dev-certs generates and manages certificates used during development in ASP.NET Core applications.

dotnet user-secrets manages the secrets in a user secret store in ASP.NET Core applications.

dotnet sql-cache creates a table and indexes in a Microsoft SQL Server database to be used for distributed caching.

Gobal tools
Another major improvement to the tools is the addition of global tools commands, so far tools installation / upgrade, applied only to the local folder / project. Now tools can be installed globally at the machine level and used across projects.  To install a tool globally use the –g switch as follows

dotnet tool install -g

In .NET Core 2.1 SDK, all tools operations use the dotnet tool command. The following options are available:
Ø  dotnet tool install to install a tool.
Ø  dotnet tool update to uninstall and reinstall a tool, which effectively updates it.
Ø  dotnet tool list to list currently installed tools.
Ø  dotnet tool uninstall to uninstall currently installed tools.

Entity Framework Core 2.1
EF Core 2.1 also brings a rich set of features as follows.
Ø  NoSQL Support: Supports for NoSQL ConmosDB / Azure Document DB
Ø  Lazy loading:  Foreign key referenced tables in EF will not be loaded until the code actually uses them. We can explicitly load the referenced tables using .Include(x => x.RefTable)
Ø  Transactions support: EF Core can now execute transactions created using TransactionScope.

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