Thursday, May 3, 2012

Binding a C# List to a GridView control

In general we use a DataTable or a DataReader to bind data to a GridView control, today we shall see on how to bind a C# List to a GridView control.

To know more about the C# List object refer to the post C# List

First let us create a class whose objects will be stored in the List, here is the code for the class.

public class clsCountry


    public string _CountryCode;

    public string _CountryName;


    public clsCountry(string strCode, string strName)


        this._CountryCode = strCode;

        this._CountryName = strName;



    public string CountryCode


        get {return _CountryCode;}

        set {_CountryCode = value;}



    public string CountryName


        get { return _CountryName; }

        set { _CountryName = value; }



Next, let us create a list of objects based on our class clsCountry and store them in a List object. Here is the code for the List

List<clsCountry> lstCountry = new List<clsCountry>();

lstCountry.Add(new clsCountry("USA", "United States"));

lstCountry.Add(new clsCountry("UK", "United Kingdon"));

lstCountry.Add(new clsCountry("IND", "India"));

Finally we shall bind the List object lstCountry to a GridView control. Here the code to bind the data.

grdCountry.DataSource = lstCountry;

Notice that the columns bound to the GridView control are mapped to the Properties of the class CountryCode and CountryName, hence make sure to create properties for every member of the class so that they can be used while binding the data to controls.

That’s it we have bound the contents of a C# List object to a GridView control.

Related Post
1. C# List

2. Binding a C# List to a DropDownList control

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Data Grid Controls for Windows Forms applications are an amazing component for design modern user interface.