Monday, December 15, 2014

Committing Changes to the local repository

Once we move added / modified files from the local working copy to index, the next step is to move the changes to the local repository, this is done by committing the changes to the local repository. To commit changes in the index to the local repository use the following steps.

1. Once the added/modified/deleted files are moved to staging, we are ready to commit the changes.
2. Make sure that all the files to be committed are reflected in the “Staged Changes” panel.
3. Now commit the changes in the “Staged Changes” panel by clicking on the Commit Icon in the toolbar.

4. In the “Commit Message” which appears, enter a command to commit and click on the commit button.
5. In the Commit Mode dropdown, make sure that the “Staged changes” option is selected.
6. That’s it the changes in the Staging region have got committed.
7. Notice that commit updates the changes only to the local repository; the changes will not be reflected in the remote repository until we push the committed changes to the report repositories.

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