Monday, December 15, 2014

Stashing changes to a file in SourceTree

There are situations in which you have a work in progress code, which cannot be committed, but you want to work on some other branch for an emergency issue. For example you want to park the work in progress change in your development branch and work on an emergency issue in the production branch, Git helps us achieve this using the Stash option.

When you Stash changes in the working / staging area the changes are stored in a separate copy and the working copy is rolled back to the previous un-modified state. Stashing can be done as follows.

1.    Opens the Source Tree application

2.    Select the Stash option from the toolbar.

3.    A pop-up appears, enter a name (label) for the stash and click ok.

4.    Once the stashing is done, the un-committed changes are removed from the working folder and stored as a separate copy; the working folder is restored back to the previous commit state.
5.  A new option ‘Stashes’ is added to the left side tree, which provides the list of stashed.

6.    As you can see, we can apply (copy) the changes from the stash to the working folder at a later point in time by selecting the stash and selecting the ‘Apply Stach: . . .’ option
7.  We can also discard (delete) the changes stored in the copy of the stash by selecting the ‘Delete Stach . . .’ option.

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