Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pushing local repository changes to remote repository

In the previous post Committing changes to the Local repository we saw on how to Stage / Index local changes to the local repository, now we shall see on how to push the changes to the remote repository. The push operation will move the changes from the local repository to the remote repository.

Follow the below steps to push changes from local repository to the remote repository.

1. Make sure that all the changes to be pushed to the remote repository are committed to the local repository. Refer to the post Committing changes to the Local repository for details on committing changes to the local repository.

2. Once committed, push the changes from the local repository to the repository
Before pushing the changes to the remote repository make sure that the changes are staged and committed to the local repository, once this is done we can push the changes to the remote repository by clicking on the “Push” icon in the toolbar.

3.  In the push window make sure that the “push to repository” points to the correct remote repository to which the changes needs to be pushed.

4. Select the correct local and remote branch and click OK.

5. The changes will be pushed to the remote repository and a success message appears. 
6. Once this is done check the remote Bitbucket repository, you should find the newly added file in the remote Repository.

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