Monday, December 29, 2014

Git flow adding commits to a new Hotfix

In the post Git flow starting a new Hotfix, we saw on how to start a new hotfix using git flow, in this post we shall see on adding / updating changes to the new hotfix.
In this post I will be adding a new file to an existing hotfix branch. Let me add a new file “Git Hotfix.docx” to the new hotfix branch Hotfix1.

1.    Open Source Tree.
2.    Make sure that the new hotfix branch to which changes are to be make is checked out as the current branch.
3.    Add a new file / update an existing file in the local working folder.
4.    I am going to add a new file “Git Hotfix.docx” to the working folder.
5.    Stage and commit the new file to the repository.

6.    Push the changes to the remote repository.

7.    This will push the added / updated changes to the remote repository.

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