Sunday, December 28, 2014

Git flow starting a new Hotfix

A Hotfix is started when there are bugs / issues in production. Starting a hotfix creates a new hotfix branch from the master branch. The testing and big fixing activities will be carried out in the hotfix branch. Once the code is stable without any issues, the hotfix is finished; this will merge the changes made to the hotfix branch to develop and main branches and delete the hotfix branch.

In this post we shall see on how to create a new release (branch) and start working on the new release. In the post Creating a Git-Flow branching structure usingSource Tree, we have seen on how to setup Git-flow. Once the setup is done you can follow the below steps to create a new release branch.
1. Open Source Tree.
2. Click on the Git Flow icon in the tool bar.

3. A pop-up window appears, with the available options.

4. Click on the Start new hotfix button.

5. Give a name to the new hotfix, I have given the name as “Hotfix1”, select the latest master branch option and click Ok.
6. The preview shows on how the branching will be done.
           7. This will create a new hotfix and set the new hotfix branch as the current working 

8.   Any updates, commits done will be added to this branch.
         9. Push the changes, so that the new branch gets added to the remote repository, so that other developers working on the new hotfix can also use the same branch.

10.    Now the new hotfix is ready for development / bug fixing.

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1 comment:

Macrosoft said...

Good to know about the hotfix. Thanks for sharing the details.

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